Your Toyota FJ Cruiser Moment of Zen

Somewhere in the silt cloud, there’s an FJ Cruiser. A truck that never received a similar reputation as its Land Cruiser and Prado cousins. The mouth-breathers on the forums will forever argue if it’s a true Land Cruiser or not with it’s FJ designation and same but different chassis from the Prado. It is a body-on-frame truck, so it’s definitely a truck. I don’t enjoy the look of the FJ Cruiser and that’s purely subjective, but I did find some tranquility in this particular truck’s slow-motion trip through the desert.

Click past the jump to share the serenity.

We all remember Jeff’s meme-worthy picture from Wide Open Baja and I can only imagine these guys looked similar afterward.

There’s one thing missing from this video. What music would you dub in as the soundtrack? An obvious choice is the Top Gun intro before Danger Zone kicks in, but there has to be something less trite. What’s your pick?

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4 responses to “Your Toyota FJ Cruiser Moment of Zen”

  1. outback_ute Avatar

    Fine enough sand feels, sounds and acts like water; well, apart from not being wet!

  2. Scubie Avatar

    Soundtrack: Chariots of Fire

  3. Zentropy Avatar

    You’d need to change the inlet filter about every 500 yards, driving like that.

    1. Lokki Avatar

      But if you bought a K&N you could wash it out!