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Hooniverse Asks: What’s the weirdest car article you’ve ever read?

The Internet is full of great car content and seriously weird shit. What’s the intersection of those two virtual alleyways? What is the weirdest car article you’ve ever read?

I actually don’t have any good articles here. Instead, I’m genuinely curious about the wild stuff I know you all have found over the years. Be it crazy forum threads, crazy forums in general, or just off-the-wall reviews, there has to be a treasure trove of oddball automotive reading adventures.

Since I don’t have examples let’s just dive into what you have to offer here. Shout it out loud and share your crazy car articles with us below.

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13 responses to “Hooniverse Asks: What’s the weirdest car article you’ve ever read?”

  1. neight428 Avatar

    Something in this unbelievably weird annual series put out by one of the old legacy media giants.

    One prime example – many others to choose from.

  2. Andy Avatar

    Let’s face it, this is just going to be a list of Jason Torchinsky articles…

    There’s a good half dozen quality WTFs on the first page of results alone. My personal favorite:

  3. neight428 Avatar

    Something in this unbelievably weird annual series put out by one of the old legacy media giants.

    One prime example – many others to choose from.

  4. 0A5599 Avatar

    Something about a mythical wombat that exudes all kinds of awesomeness without going anywhere, but is undetectable.

  5. caltemus Avatar

    Some of the Murilee Martin impala stories are pretty out there. I definitely enjoy his junkyard car-part radio build

  6. SlowJoeCrow Avatar

    Some 70s Road & Track stuff by Henry N. Manney was out there. The one that sticks is The Mason Jar Papers which involved a race and some powerful, possibly hallucinogenic moonshine.

  7. ptschett Avatar

    If I was making this comment earlier in the day I might’ve nominated something like a diesel VW with a big fuel tank being driven non-stop across the USA, but then I saw a headline come across from somewhere or another that was something like ‘the car enthusiast’s guide to devenomizing the trouser snake’…

  8. Lokki Avatar

    A personal favorite:

    How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink


    No pictures, but it your boss can read printed words, it’s pretty much NSFW.

  9. Lokki Avatar

    A personal favorite:

    How to Drive Fast on Drugs While Getting Your Wing-Wang Squeezed and Not Spill Your Drink


    No pictures, but it your boss can read printed words, it’s pretty much NSFW.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      My boss is fine with HS Thompson and the like, but she’d frown upon me reading at work. The swastika in the tab icon is just a nice touch, given my roots…