Weekend Edition – A Hayabusa Reverse Trike

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Welcome to another Hooniverse Weekend Edition, and the first post will be a build thread suggested by CherokeeOwner (Thanks Man!) who thought this feature would make a great “Truck Thursday” or “Two-Wheel Tuesday” piece. Little did he know, it would make a great “Weekend Edition” piece.

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This was found at the “Build-Threads” Site, and if you have a chance, go on over there and explore the interesting projects featured. About this particular build:

Just when I thought I’d seen every kind of build combination make it’s way into my inbox, along comes Ben and his one-off creation. I can confidently say “one-off” because I don’t think anyone else out there would be crazy enough to turn a Hayabusa into a reverse-trike, then mount a Suzuki Carry body on the front end, and set it off with 3 Porsche twists.

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You can head over to this poat on Build-Threads by clicking here, and you can head over to the builders page (Ben Graves) which is a Picasa Web Album, by clicking here. Yes this post may be over a year old, but it is still cool nonetheless. Why not let us all know what the Hoons who read Hooniverse think about this particular build (as well as the Build-Threads Site).

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24 responses to “Weekend Edition – A Hayabusa Reverse Trike”

  1. Toxic Avenger Avatar
    Toxic Avenger

    Not to my taste,but well done and certainly one of a kind. And yes I want to fire it up and see what it has got.

  2. IronBallsMcG Avatar

    A forward control all Suzuki reverse trike. Wow.

  3. dtargo Avatar

    "honey, i'm gonna buy a newer truck, okay"?

  4. Dr. Fine Avatar
    Dr. Fine

    What a brilliant idea! I don't have the skills, but a handy person could build this with an electric motor for scooting around town.

  5. dukeisduke Avatar

    How about introducing "Three Wheel Thursday"?

  6. john365 Avatar

    <img src="http://www.webalice.it/l_stroppa/Misano%20AutoKit%20Show%202007_file/Misano%20Autokit%20Show%202007%2034.JPG&quot; width="600">
    IMHO Piaggio Ape + Ducai Desmosedici is even more awesome.

    1. john365 Avatar


    2. RegalRegalia Avatar

      Reverse trike always beats any forward trike, in fact everything beats forward trike (except in ATV form).

  7. Jim Brennan Avatar
    Jim Brennan

    For those who are interested, this is a Stock Suzuki Carry of similar vintage:
    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Suzuki_Carry_001.JPG&quot; width=600>

  8. mac350 Avatar

    Now I know what to do with all those Korean mini-pickups that are for sale but can't be licensed for the road – make a motorcyle out of them and, voila, now they're street legal.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Not to mention all those Hayabusa'a with wadded front ends. Synchronicity.

      1. mac350 Avatar

        The posibilities are endless – so many and so little time.

    2. Serow Avatar

      Those are actually legal on the road here in North Dakota. Counter-intuitively, you have to put an off road sticker and license them as an ATV. Unfortunately, they can't be imported anymore so they're getting hard to find.

  9. Andy Avatar

    Needs dump box

    1. skitter Avatar

      Yes, it needs a triangular dump box.
      I already want it.

      1. FreeMan Avatar

        +3 for -triangular- dump box!

  10. 1chumley1 Avatar

    I say add this, (see below link) and return the body to stock including the original wheels. Disguise the tank and body pieces in the bed as bags of mulch, or whatever. You would have the ULTIMATE sleeper, and it would be street legal in the state of NE and MS.

    1. scoudude Avatar

      Interesting that the seller is touting this as a reverse trike kit since it replaces the swing arm I'd call it a trike. Plus I don't see how putting this on the featured vehicle would make it legal since that would make it a 4 wheel vehicle and thus subject to the laws governing cars/trucks while a vehicle with less than 4 wheels is usually governed by motorcycle laws, regardless of whether the 3rd wheel is in the front or rear.

      1. 1chumley1 Avatar

        Mini-trucks with 4 wheels are legal on roads in NE. You just can't drive them on the interstate. This is true of a few other states, as well.

        1. Serow Avatar

          Yeah, they're allowed here in North Dakota if you have an offroad sticker on them. A guy in my town used to sell them until they were banned from import.

      2. Batshitbox Avatar

        Seems to still have the engine and frame of a motorcycle, there's your title! And really, couldn't you bamboozle the DMV into thinking of this as a sidecar? No, probably not. It has a freaking steering wheel.
        In CA this would probably be in competition for the "Special Construction" titles they dole out to Jesse James and his ilk.

  11. Sjalabais Avatar

    I see myself at the Build-Mart loading the truck with a new screwdriver. Just to enjoy the looks of others loading their trucks with 2-by-4's.

  12. Tim Avatar

    I saw this awhile back when I was looking for pictures of an old Model T reverse trike that was made years ago.
    I wonder if it can do stoppies.

  13. Alcology Avatar

    I'm a big fan of Build-Threads! That site has some gems. Maybe invite anthony over for a guest post?
    As for the trike, I like it but wish it had a bed on it and it looked less grafted.