The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 244 – The Death Car w/ Alex Staidle

Listener, patron, friend, and all-around cool guy Alex Staidle joins Cam & Brad to share stories about cursed cars, tinkering, rallying, and how the Midwest and West Coast differ when it comes to the car hobby. Listener questions are answered, and the guys try their hand at the Elio configurator. Brad goes on a rant screaming for the revival of the inexpensive transportation segment of the market. Nobody listens. It’s a good fun episode and you should absolutely put it in your ear holes. 

Our new Cammed & Tubbed logo is brought to you by mega awesome listener Tony Elkins, who whipped this up for us the other day. We also have decals coming by the end of the month, and if you’d like one for your car, please go give us a rating on iTunes, then drop me a line on social media (I’m easy to find, but the Cammed & Tubbed facebook page has a chat option.) letting me know your address and I’ll mail it out. New Year, New C&T!

Now down to the episode!

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – The Death Car

Check out our Instagram, our Twitter, and our Facebook pages. As always, we’d really appreciate it if you would rate us on iTunes, share us with your friends, and maybe if you’re feeling nice, interact with us on those social medias. If you’re so inclined, Cammed & Tubbed also now has a Patreon with some fun perks. You can even join our Cammed & Tubbed slack to chat with us basically all day, and get some live updates from Cam and Brad on our project cars.

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4 responses to “The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 244 – The Death Car w/ Alex Staidle”

  1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar

    Man, The False Neutral is going to up our graphics a couple of full notches.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      Yeah, but certainly the wrong P-mobile – the rest is great, I’d get a T-shirt or sticker or whatever merch you’d sell me. Which takes me to another tender point, is there any way of patreonizing in fewer, bigger bunches, instead of monthly? My poor bank is running a patreon-scheme of its own, charging per-transfer across continents…

      1. Bradley Brownell Avatar
        Bradley Brownell

        We could work something out, I’m sure.

  2. NapoleonSolo Avatar

    Great looking logo!!!