Rail inspection? Pffhh … Try Minefield Inspection!

Forget about crawling around boring railroad tracks … need a vehicle that eats IEDs for breakfast and plays in minefields for fun? Look no further than the Trojan, a Mad Max-esque tractor built from a bucket of main battle tank parts and a healthy dose of aggression.

The most obvious feature of the Trojan is the massive mine-clearing plow up front. Designed to simply run over mines or push them out of the way, it’d make quick work clearing off the track at a typical LeMons race. The Trojan also packs an excavator arm for a little light digging, or to deploy obstacle-crossing fascines. Best of all, it can launch a rocket-propelled 750 foot rope of explosives from a trailer to clear a 25 foot wide path in a risky area – the perfect length for HumVee drag-racing! The Trojan is built off of a Challenger II chassis, currently the main British battletank, and so it shares the Challenger’s 26.1 liter Perkins 12 cylinder diesel engine making a lazy 1,200 HP and an unspecified but surely monumental amount of torque. Hey, with 19.2 horsepower per ton, it’ll go 37 mph tops. Try putting a Briggs and Stratton into a Geo Metro and see if you can top 37 mph … IN A MINEFIELD.
And I kid – the rail inspection vehicles are very cool. They just provided a good excuse to run a photo of a Trojan. Front-end plows FTW!
Wikipedia, Royal Engineers

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  1. highmileage_v1 Avatar

    Ah, my new commuter car. 750' of explosive rope will clear the traffic jams nicely.

  2. greg sager Avatar
    greg sager

    "Try putting a Briggs and Stratton into a Geo Metro and see if you can top 37 mph … IN A MINEFIELD." Well played, sir. Well played.

    1. Han_Solex Avatar

      I say we put a plow on the Corsica and see if it'll do 37 mph … period. I'd pay money to see that.

  3. CptSevere Avatar

    Sure beats poking around in the dirt (very carefully) with a bayonet like I learned in Infantry School, way back in the dark days of the Cold War. This impressive monstrosity is a lot more sophisticated than the earliest versions of these that had a big flail that thrashed the ground in front of the vehicle with chains.

    1. highmileage_v1 Avatar

      I'm with you. After my first trip through a house rigged with traps (damn those combat engineers are clever) and picking my way through a practice minefield, I figured some machine could do it better. Some of the 'bots being used against IED's are pretty cool but nowhere near as massive as the Trojan.

  4. Charles_Barrett Avatar

    If you're a hot dude looking for a good time, with an explosive climax, just remember to play safe…
    Always bring your TROJAN…!

    1. dustin_driver Avatar

      Gold, pure gold. Bravo.

      1. Charles_Barrett Avatar

        You are very kind. Thanks…!

  5. Deartháir Avatar

    Hey! It's Matilda from BattleBots!
    Doesn't look quite as luxurious as my suggestions, but possibly more utilitarian in the Post-Zombocalyptic Wasteland that we'll be faced with in 2013.

  6. Seth L Avatar
    Seth L

    Holy crap, it's Orks! Run for your lives!