New RSS Feed Address and Workarounds to the Missing Pictures Thing

You can't fix a blog with a hammer?
Typical webmaster's tools

In the seven-ish months we’ve been around, we managed to outgrow one hosting provider and we’re on the brink of busting the seams on our current setup. For this, we have our awesome (and ever-expanding) writing staff to thank, as well as you, the loyal users. We got into this for the cars, not the money, fame or “opportunity” to learn more about web stuff than we ever expected. As such, there’s been a steady stream of growing pains, and we’re currently making a big push to make the site run a lot more efficiently with a minimal impact on you, the readers.
Hit the jump for two biggies that you’ve been letting us know about.
Chrome, get it?RSS Feed:
In an effort to reduce loads on our hosting gettup, we kinda neutered the RSS feed, which generated a few um…responses on the tips line. Because we’re all about customer service, we found a better way, and we’re now running our feed through Feedburner, which keeps the load off of our (hosting provider’s) servers. Theoretically, any requests to the old feed should re-direct to the new feed, but just to be safe, your best bet is to re-add it using this link right here or clicking on the “Posts” feed button up on the left, there.
The Mysterious “I don’t see any pictures” Phenomenon:
We haven’t figured the root of this one out (it’s driving us insane), but we’ve got a couple of workarounds. First off, no one has ever witnessed this problem in Google’s Chrome browser. Being one who clings to aging technology, I can say from experience that Chrome runs a hell of a lot faster that Firefox on an old machine. The UI takes a bit of getting used to, but I’m never going back. Also, there are a few very stylish looking themes available if you’re not into the Google color-scheme.
For those unwilling or unable to make a browser switch, it seems the problem can be fixed by clearing your cache. Why? We don’t know, but it seems to work. To make your life easier, we found a Firefox plugin (here) that adds a “clear cache” button. Doesn’t solve the problem, but for a bunch of people who are cool with having to bump-start their cars or double-clutch to get into second gear, this really shouldn’t be that tough. For the one in five of you using Internet Explorer, clearing the cache manually probably works as well.
There may be some more changes coming up as far as layout and the like goes. The goal of all of this is to remove every impediment to Hooniverse being a nexus of automotive awesomeness, so bear with us.

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  1. joshuman Avatar

    I like the idea of using a big carabiner to hold and organize the hand wrenches. Use different colors for metric, SAE, and flare.

    1. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

      Agreed, that's a neat trick I'm stealing.

    2. Mike_the_Dog Avatar

      Umm, you have flare wrenches that won't fall off a carabiner? For box end wrenches, it does seem an ideal solution.

      1. joshuman Avatar

        You have a very good point there.

  2. Jo_Schmo Avatar

    I see no BF hammer, what kind of webmaster are you??

    1. Mike_the_Dog Avatar

      He's probably loaned it to his neighbor with the Chevy again… (ZING!!!)

    2. mdharrell Avatar

      One who uses the BF hammer to adjust camera settings, obviously. No problems here.

  3. Maymar Avatar

    I'm happy I've got some Chrome on my computer, but it's lacking in the Tailfins and Dagmars.

    1. muthalovin Avatar

      What about Portholes?

      1. Maymar Avatar

        I think my computer would only have four, maybe six Portholes per side – that's not something I'd want to let the world know. If I was worthy of four Portholes per side, I'd support this idea.

    2. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      No shortage of Dagmars to be found on the web…

  4. BPR Avatar

    Can you guys skinny up the front page a bit so it loads faster on my PDA?
    I am totally stealing that wrenches-on-a-‘beaner trick too!

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      LIkely coming.
      We're considering running a mobile version of the site…but the biggest problem is I do most of the webmastery stuff and I rock a free Razr for a cell phone, making it hard to debug.

      1. SSurfer321 Avatar

        I would gladly donate a nominal denomination if it helps the webmasters do what they do so well. I say the commentariat start chipping in to get you a new phone. Set up a Paypal account…

        1. coupeZ600 Avatar

          I'd be up to!

        2. Tim Odell Avatar
          Tim Odell

          Well, the big problem isn't the outlay for a new jPhone, it's that right now The_Missus and I get by just fine on a bottom-rung shared voice plan for super-crazy cheap. The jump from there to one or two unlimited web/data plans is just too much to justify on a monthly basis, given that there's no shortage of full-size computer/web access throughout the day. I'd rather spend the money on cars or tools.
          With pretty much everything on the site, it's just a matter of time (that I don't have). Between a day job, 3 project cars, an infant and Hooniverse, there's not much down time to go around. I'm spending a lot less time posting and more time on site stuff these days…but hopefully we'll get back to a more "steady state" condition soon.

          1. damnelantra™[!] Avatar

            which is why i wish someone would bring back the prepaid data plan. $100 for a years worth of phone works great for me.

          2. longrooffan Avatar

            Best laugh I've had all day! Have a great vacation and no need to bring any suntan oil. BP is supplying all you need for free!

        3. coupeZ600 Avatar

          I'd be up to!

      2. Mike_the_Dog Avatar

        Add my +1 to a mobile version. Is it possible that there's some version of the IntenseDebate commenting system that doesn't use Flash? I'd love to be able to comment on my iTool iPhone.

    2. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      LIkely coming.
      We're considering running a mobile version of the site…but the biggest problem is I do most of the webmastery stuff and I rock a free Razr for a cell phone, making it hard to debug.

  5. engineerd Avatar

    I heart Chrome, but since it's in Googleborg's perpetual beta stage our IT department is militant about not allowing it on our work PCs. They aren't militant about much, so I'll let them have this one.
    So, I've started using Opera. I've had no problems with the pictures, and it seems to load about as fast as Chrome. The only problem is that some things don't work in it — usually Google products. So, I keep FF and IE as alternates when I need to do something that Opera chokes on.

  6. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell

    Regarding wrenches on carabiners: got that from some random shot (not unlike this one) in 4Wheel and Offroad magazine long, long ago.
    The el-super-cheapo ones you find in in the checkout aisles at your local hardware store work great because they're so light. Big ones for bigger wrenches, small ones for smaller. I get most of mine from Harbor Freight for like 1.99 or 2.99.

    1. Han_Solex Avatar

      I LOVE this idea. I end up carrying most of my tools in a heavy canvas bag rather than a big metal drawer system, and this would be an excellent solution to my pile-o-combination-wrenches situation.

  7. engineerd Avatar

    I heart Chrome, but since it's in Googleborg's perpetual beta stage our IT department is militant about not allowing it on our work PCs. They aren't militant about much, so I'll let them have this one.
    So, I've started using Opera. I've had no problems with the pictures, and it seems to load about as fast as Chrome. The only problem is that some things don't work in it — usually Google products. So, I keep FF and IE as alternates when I need to do something that Opera chokes on.

  8. muthalovin Avatar

    I haven't had the photo problems in a long, long time, but it is still a bitch when it happens. Also, I am glad you tweaked the RSS feed, since that is usually what I check when I first get to work (aside from work related stuff). You kids are doing a bang-up job, especially since you are not out to turn a buck.

  9. rennsport964 Avatar

    Thanks so much for un-neutering the RSS feed. It's how I read the intarwebz. Driving traffic to the actual post only to decide that I'm not interested just seems like a wasted step.
    Gawker effed their RSS feeds and it sucks. Yet another reason to limit my time on [REDACTED]. Cotomer sevis, indeed.