Mystery Car

Truth be told, if the past few Mystery Car posts had been the SAT test, you’d all be going to Stanford. Those have been far, far too easy, so today I’m bringing out a rare bird to really test your mettle.
Check out the photo above – I want to know what is the car AND who are the people. Get one and you’ll have the other. Okay, go nuts.

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  1. highmileage_v1 Avatar

    Hmmm, looks like it could be an AMC concept car of some sort, AMX? Nope, wrong snout.

  2. muthalovin Avatar

    Clearly its the new NSX design, whatever they call it. That is Mr. Honda and his wife.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

      Meme, reclaimed.

      1. Smells_Homeless Avatar

        And all was right in the 'Verse.

  3. themagicboltbox Avatar

    I think it's John Delorean on a Vega prototype, but I don't know who the woman is.

  4. PrawoJazdy Avatar

    Looks like Lutz. I know I am wrong.

  5. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    I'm thinking Ron and Nancy with some sort of Federally-funded concept car?

  6. Joe Btfsplk Avatar
    Joe Btfsplk

    It's a Mustangamaro R/T with gullwing doors.

  7. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    The nose looks vaguely like an early Mazda rotary coupe.

  8. Cretony38 Avatar

    I'd say AMC product too.

    1. facelvega Avatar

      Nice catch!

    2. dustin_driver Avatar

      Wow, made by Brubaker of Brubaker Box fame!….

      1. Smells_Homeless Avatar

        You must not invoke the name of the Box, for every time it is invoked I have to go to re-programming in order to forget such a thing exists and that I can't have it. Off to the Brain-O-Eraser with me.

        1. dustin_driver Avatar

          I read on a B-Box forum that somebody bought the original molds and was thinking of putting the kit back into production.

          1. Smells_Homeless Avatar

            Argh! You're not helping. The Brain-O-Eraser leaves scars, you know. 😉

    1. alcology Avatar

      that amc concept van is just the T's

      1. dustin_driver Avatar

        Although it looks kinda like Jar Jar Binks.

        1. alcology Avatar

          jar jar is the new chewbacca and chewbacca was cool right?

  9. highmileage_v1 Avatar

    Excellent job of reeling in the obscure!

  10. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

    Because it's bonus round Friday… what's this Mystery Car? <img src=>

    1. facelvega Avatar

      could you make it bigger or is that part of the game?

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      Citroen Crusherbait? 😉

    3. facelvega Avatar

      So what was it?

      1. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

        Siata Diana Coupe

        1. facelvega Avatar

          Oh man, should've got it from that body in the background. Instead just assumed it was an old Lancia or something back there and didn't look closer.

  11. W. Kiernan Avatar
    W. Kiernan

    For some reason I always drive like a bat outta Hell when I've got one of these guys's CDs in the player.[youtube ngL4mup_Gek youtube]

  12. west_coaster Avatar

    Damn! I gotta check this site more often, because I'm SURE it's a publicity shot from the late '70s TV miniseries "Wheels." (Looks like SteveR beat me to it.) Yes, the car was a modified AMC done by Barris to represent the fictional Hawk, a revolutionary performance car developed by the equally fictional National Motors Corporation.
    I was in high school, and so looking forward to seeing a string of television nights about the auto industry. Unfortunately, it was mostly schmatzy fluff, and very little car content. The high point for me was to see hottie Jessica Walter as some kind of harlot. Also Rock Hudson tooled around in a Maserati, talking on a then-obscure car telephone.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      As I only know her from Arrested Development & Archer (voice of Mallory Archer, head of ISIS), seeing "hottie" prefixing Jessica Walter doesn't compute. I'll have to look at her earlier stuff.

      1. west_coaster Avatar

        Okay, you've got to check her out on some DVDs of Mannix, The Rockford Files, etc. Lots of miniskirts and boots, and she was a complete MILF before anyone even coined the term.

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          Thanks for the tip – you're absolutely right!

  13. west_coaster Avatar

    Oh, and Ralph Bellamy (of Trading Places fame) played a crusty auto industry patriarch, Lee Remick was his daughter (who commited suicide in the show driving a Hawk), and a crapload of 1970s character actors — most of whom would show up on The Love Boat and Fastasy Island — permeated the cast.
    Now for my own challenge: Name the car that Rock Hudson's character stated as his next project toward the end of the series, obviously referencing the Pinto or Vega. His vision of it, as he gazed off into the distance, was the car that "nobody wants, but everybody needs."

  14. ATOMZ Avatar

    IDK but it is beautiful. The center grille area reminds me of a 240z