Mystery Car

Well my fellow Hoons, it seems every time this olelongrooffan does a Mystery Car, it is usually identified by about the time I hit the “publish” button. This has happened so much that I thought I would try it once more just to see if those occurrences were aberrations or are my offerings just to easy?
thanks to those involved in the process of getting this up…you know who you are.

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  1. Matt Avatar

    1966 Mustang?

    1. engineerd Avatar

      I was thinking Mustang at first, but something just wasn't quite right. LongRoofian was trying to be tricky!

      1. tonyola Avatar

        The position of the door handle (too low) and the presence of a heavy B-pillar look wrong.

      2. Jo Schmo Avatar
        Jo Schmo

        and he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you pesky commentors! Bravo tonyola!

  2. tonyola Avatar

    1966-1967 FNM Onca. An obvious Mustang clone built in Brazil using Alfa Romeo mechanicals under license. Only a few were built.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. engineerd Avatar

      Smarty pants.

    2. tristan Avatar

      obvious use of image locating software
      this game needs a freshen up, unique images taken by users, it could rock if it took more than 10 min to solve.

      1. tonyola Avatar

        Take your sorry lame-ass accusations elsewhere, dork. I've known about this car long before image-searching existed. I first saw it in a 1966 Motor Trend magazine.

        1. OA5599 Avatar

          Were they made for both RHD and LHD markets? The windshield wipers appear to be backwards.
          <img src=""&gt;

          1. tonyola Avatar

            I don't know, but supposedly only ten were made in total. It could also be a flipped negative on the older picture.

          2. OA5599 Avatar

            I found images of other cars with that orientation, but couldn't tell which side held the steering wheel.
            <img src="….JPG" width=500>

          3. mdharrell Avatar

            It just looks to me like the wipers are properly parked in your photo but were stopped while at the other extreme of their arcs in the B&W photo– admittedly not a typical sweep pattern these days.

      2. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
        mr. mzs zsm msz esq

        Here identify this one:… Also please be nicer.

        1. IronBallsMcG Avatar

          That's too easy. I saw one like that before I even left the house today.

        2. Alff Avatar

          Tosh.0 style punchline fest…
          "Nice BMW"
          "I drive one of those"
          "It's a real hot rod"
          "I've never ridden one of those, but my wife has"
          "Used to have one. It was terribly unreliable – it would only go in spurts"
          "I got this one for the handling"

          1. tempesjo Avatar

            I bet that car is just compensating for its tiny engine.

      3. IronBallsMcG Avatar

        Why do you say that?

      4. longrooffan Avatar

        tristan…I did a Mystery Car post a while back with a Puma as the subject car. Tonyola got it in about 20 minutes. He is just that damn good. Take a look at his comments around this site and you will soon realize this guy knows his shit.

        1. mdharrell Avatar

          I agree tonyola is just that good, but if you're referring to the Puma GT back in February, it was BЯдΖǐL-ЯЄРΘЯΤЄЯ who got that one. Um, unless they're the same person. Heck, for all I know, you're all the same person. Except me. I'm pretty sure I'm not the same person.

          1. tonyola Avatar

            Nope, that wasn't me who got the Puma. However, I can claim at least part credit for the Panther Solo.

    3. longrooffan Avatar

      Bravo tonyola….

      1. Alff Avatar

        Clearly that was too easy. Can't you pick harder ones? 😉

        1. longrooffan Avatar

          Yeah, all of us behind the Hooniverse scenes thought this would take a litle longer but that pesky tonyola…..

        2. Jo Schmo Avatar
          Jo Schmo

          <img src=""&gt;
          hmmmm perhaps to spice this up a bit, whoever submits the first correct guess gets to pick the next "mystery car"
          Also, thank you Alff for the submission.

    1. Alff Avatar

      That looks a bit like a KV Mini.

      1. muthalovin Avatar

        Oh man. Forget NSX's, I am going to post pictures of KV Mini's
        <img src=""&gt;
        Granted, I may run out by Friday.

        1. Alff Avatar

          Apparently every one they ever made is green and licensed in Washington state. What are the odds?

          1. mdharrell Avatar

            Those odds are only 50-50. Seems like half of them in this state haven't been relicensed since leaving France.
            <img src="; width="450">

        2. Mr_Biggles Avatar

          Hmm. Notice how the wiper appears to be backwards relative to the driving position.

          1. Alff Avatar

            Maybe the rubber band is busted.

          2. mdharrell Avatar

            Aw, did you have to home in on one of its few conventional features? The wiper is directly driven by a Marchal electric motor; the only rubber band is in the transmission. Even the steering uses a chain instead.

      2. Raze1138 Avatar

        A bit, yeah. Might take a few more bottles of Neustadt 10w30 to be sure, but I can see the faint resemblance.

  3. tonyola Avatar

    Nope, didn't know that. Please don't give me too much credit. There's a lot I don't know. Besides, I could have used image-search software to solve this puzzle. At least that's what I've been accused of.

  4. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    Reminds me, I have to upgrade my Mac's operating system.

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      You've got one of those newfangled Intel-based Macs, then?

      1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
        Peter Tanshanomi

        Yea, just upgraded my old Mac Mini Core Solo with 2GB of RAM and a 2 MHz Core II Duo processor. So now, instead of being 7 years out of date, it's only 5 years out of date. That warrants an OS upgrade too, don'cha think?

        1. mdharrell Avatar

          But if I go past 10.4.11 on a G5 I'll lose Classic, which I last opened, um, ah, well… I suppose I did replay "3 in Three" a couple of years ago….

  5. Syrax Avatar

    Well, not snow leopard. There's no snow in Brazil and they don't go up the Andes or down to Patagonia. It's a Jaaaaaaaaag.
    <img src=""/&gt;