Mystery Car


This week’s Mystery Car is that rare occurrence when our subject is in motion. More accurately the image of it is a single static moment of the vehicle in motion. Did you know that there is a condition known as Akinetopsia, or Motion Blindness, that renders its sufferers unable to perceive motion? Hopefully none of you suffer from this affliction as it might put you at a disadvantage with today’s contest.

Of course we want a level playing field, as well as everyone fully understanding the rules of the game. Those are: makemodellikely engine and year range included in your answer to win. Okay, now that we’ve got those out of the way, let’s get moving!

Image source: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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15 responses to “Mystery Car”

  1. 330 4HL Avatar
    330 4HL

    I'll start with Jowett Jupiter

  2. 330 4HL Avatar
    330 4HL

    OK change that to an early Sunbeam Alpine…

  3. 330 4HL Avatar
    330 4HL

    Maybe '53 – '55

  4. 330 4HL Avatar
    330 4HL

    Sunbeam-Talbot Alpine Sports to be more precise…

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Wow, that's amazing. Here's a page about them, including a pic that indicates Stirling Moss driving one in 1954, on his way to an Alpine Gold Cup victory:

    2. mdharrell Avatar

      Don't forget the engine.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        It uses a 2.3l side-valve inline four, from the Sunbeam-Talbot 90 Saloon:

      2. ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
        ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq

        Wouldn't this be a genius scheme to earn more precious points? Did you watch the Metro crash test footage I found?

        1. dukeisduke Avatar

          What Metro crash test footage?

        2. mdharrell Avatar

          No, I missed that. Thanks, though!

          I don't receive notification when someone replies to my comments, so once something has receded beyond the limits of my compulsive checking, it's gone. I'm glad you mentioned it.
          To answer your question, that looks like an early Metro. I guess I should spend more time driving my other, safer vehicles instead….

          1. dukeisduke Avatar

            Like the KV Mini.

          2. ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
            ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq

            There's a good chance to be disabled in the Metro.

          3. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

            Especially if it's the T you're trying to ride.
            (Too pertinent?)

  5. racer139 Avatar

    It would have to be a 53 sumbeam alpine sports. The 54-55 had those markers on either side of the lisence plate holder.It uses a 2.3 litre four.

  6. Matthew Avatar

    1956 Porsche 356 speedster convertible