Mystery Car


Flags, where would we be without them? Nations would have nothing to salute or go to war for, and of course more importantly, corner workers would have nothing with which to communicate with passing racers other than tonsil-taxing screams. Chaos would reign. Not only can we all sleep well at night, comfortable in the knowledge that flags exist, but we can also festoon of cars and trucks with them, you know, in their honor.

The above flags are on one such car, and it’s your Friday task to identify just what car it might be. Of course, just like there are rules for raising, lowering and washing (I recommend Woolite) flags, there are also rules to winning the Mystery Car contest. Those would be, make, model, likely engine and year range included in your answer to win. Not so tough. Now, let’s run today’s Mystery Car up the flagpole and see who salutes.

Image source: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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20 responses to “Mystery Car”

      1. salguod Avatar


  1. mdharrell Avatar

    My first thought was Triumph Herald, but that stripe at the top inclines me towards the 1956-57 Standard Vanguard Sportsman (Vanguard S4 engine), which is, of course, not at all supported in this photo:
    <img src="; width="400">
    Edit: Upon review, I'm growing less confident in this answer. I'm leaning towards Triumph Herald with something red visible beyond the top edge of the fin. Anyone else care to take a definitive stab at it?

    1. kyle_a_m Avatar

      Herald seems like the logical answer – I'm wondering if it's maybe the courier van or an ambulance conversion (which might explain the red stripe)?

    2. Frere P. Avatar
      Frere P.

      Those are the letters 'v' and 's' (in that order) in the nautical flag alphabet–so you would seem to be on the right track.

    3. Frere P. Avatar
      Frere P.

      Vignale Stabilimenti–they definitely appear on Triumph Italia 2000 circa 1961 (and probably other Vignale-styled models like Ferrari 250 GTE 2+2)
      Do either of those cars appear on this site somewhere?

  2. njhoon Avatar

    Not it but look at this tasty morsel I found. The Standard Motors Atlas.
    <img src="; width="600">

  3. Rob Avatar

    These flags were definately found on early Triumph Herald's (948cc and 1100cc) of the late 50's and early 60's. Standard Vangards and Standard 10s probably had them too.

  4. Jens Avatar

    Something British (/Scottish?)…
    And not this car 😀 :
    BR Jens
    PS: Love this place (had the Jensen One in 0,2 seconds being a Dane and a Citroën lover and owner x 3 :D)

  5. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    Don't know what it is to, but here's one you can buy if you want one.
    <img src=""&gt; <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  6. Robert Emslie Avatar
    Robert Emslie

    I'm going to give a hint. You can see this car on this site. Go find it!

    1. kyle_a_m Avatar

      Given the number of strange cars that appear in mystery car threads alone, this is more of a taunt than a hint. 😉

  7. boxdin Avatar

    Well….. Do tell us Man…..

  8. Saugatuck Avatar

    <img src=""width="600"&gt;
    <img src=""width="600"&gt;
    The Triumph Italia 2000 Coupé was built between 1959 and 1962, during which time 329 cars were produced. Designed by Giovanni Michelotti, the TR3 chassis and mechanical components were supplied by the Triumph Motor Company in the United Kingdom, and built by Alfredo Vignale in Turin, Italy.
    1991 cc Straight-4

  9. Saugatuck Avatar

    Well, back to the question at hand, I am sure that Nico took a good close look at that Ferrari and is quite capable of telling the difference between 'our' flags and Ferrari's other flags…so ignoring for a moment, any funny nautical terms…it would appear, that the bods at Standard-Triumph intended the flags to represent the letters S & V, or S-V, which we are (for now) taking to denote: "Stabilimento Vignale", or Vignale 'Stable' rather than the previously accepted: "Standard-Vignale".
    To me, (at this stage), that seems like a reasonable assumption, if indeed the exact same flags do appear on other manufacturer's vehicles that were also designed at the same studios…I do recall in the depths of my memory that the flags also appear on such cars as the Standard Sportsman, (1957?), the Triumph Italia and to the best of my recollection, the Ferrari America or is it Superamerica? (If I find my photos, I will know for sure).
    The plot thickens

  10. dwbf11 Avatar

    This was an easy one. Image from the Triumph 2000 Italia on BAT?

  11. Saugatuck Avatar
