Last Call: Slinging mud with the peasants

A Rolls-Royce Cullinan is as opulent an SUV you’re likely to find. Sure, you can spend more on something bananas like a fully kitted out EarthRoamer, but we’re sticking to standard production vehicles here. And photographer David Levenson spotted one parked on the street in London that’s living a good life. Not stopped at expensive shops, but being used to actually go off-road, sling through the mud, and put its engineering to good use.

Or maybe it was used to ram a bloated cow and all of this is literal shit? Either way, we’re inteigued.

Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.

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17 responses to “Last Call: Slinging mud with the peasants”

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    The Spirit of Echh, sticky!

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      See, it’s funny because the hood ornament …er, bonnet ornament…no? radiator mascot (really?) for Rolls-Royce is a sculpture called Spirit of Ecstasy. (Are we sure it’s not the ‘mascot of ecstasy’? I’ve already killed the joke, might as well be thorough.)

      1. Vairship Avatar

        You mean ‘The Lady In Her Nighty’?

  2. Maymar Avatar

    Are we finally going to get a new TaxTheRich video?

    1. Vairship Avatar

      Cannonball Run re-make?

  3. SlowJoeCrow Avatar

    Perhaps the owner was out in the country and got too obnoxious while trying to pass a farmer with a manure spreader.

    1. outback_ute Avatar

      Definitely has a very high grass content, whether it has been pre-digested I’ll leave for the experts to judge.

    2. Vairship Avatar

      Too much Grey Poop-On?

  4. 0A5599 Avatar

    With all that mudslinging, probably owned by a member of Parliament. Or maybe Funkadelic.

    1. Rudy™ Avatar

      Although they should flip that Funkadelic record and play “Promentalsh!tbackwashpsychosisenemasquad (The Doo Doo Chasers)” as that more resembles the…ummm…funk spewed across the front and sides of the Rolls. Although said doo doo probably was emitted by something of the land grazing variety, if that were the case.

      All it needs now is “WASH ME” written on the side rear window…

  5. Zentropy Avatar

    How are the wheels so clean? It looks like they were following someone slinging mud, rather than slinging it themselves.

    I dunno, this sort of thing looks like lame posturing to me. I drove a beat-up SJ Cherokee for a while, and I wouldn’t even bring it home looking like that, even though it looked the part.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I’d wager, puddles and more moving parts to keep more material from sticking…

      1. Zentropy Avatar

        It’s a showy display to attract attention, and proof positive that rednecks are upwardly mobile. I’m all for getting your 4WD respectably muddy, but wearing it like a badge of honor is lame.

  6. outback_ute Avatar

    Saw my first new Defender yesterday, complete with the stupid little storage box on the side. Only passed it parked on the side of the road so I don’t have much of an impression on the look though.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      A Landrover “parked” on the side of the road…no tiny orange triangle right behind it?

      Yeah yeah I can close the door myself

      1. outback_ute Avatar

        Outside a dealership actually, or close enough to it.

        Edit: maybe it only made it as far as the curb before breaking down?

  7. Jeff Mac Avatar
    Jeff Mac

    One of my favorite runs at Goodwood in 2019 was when the Cullinan was properly thrashed up the hill.