Last Call- Face It Edition




You know, it shouldn’t be an auto accident that tells you that you’re wearing far too much foundation, but if that’s what it takes. . .  Oh, and another thing, wear your damn seat belt!

Image: [Imgur]

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19 responses to “Last Call- Face It Edition”

  1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

    I hope she's okay, because I would hate to find this hilarious if anyone was hurt or killed.

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      That was hard enough to pop the airbag.

    2. B72 Avatar

      Amen brother.

  2. lilpoindexter Avatar

    Is it jesus?

  3. Van_Sarockin Avatar

    I, for one, blame the air freshener.

  4. PotbellyJoe Avatar

    <img src="; width=500>

  5. joedunlap Avatar

    Kinda gives a whole new meaning to "face plant", doesnt it?

  6. Tomsk Avatar

    "Is Mother Theresa in this SUV headrest? The remarkable photos plus your Action Stormtrackerwatchohmygodwe'reallgonnadie Forecast tonight at 11!"

  7. Alff Avatar

    I knew I should have gone with the tan interior.

  8. MVEilenstein Avatar

    That's not what designers had in mind when they coined the term "head rest."

  9. pj134 Avatar

    That's not too much foundation, an impact that hard you could probably get a similar mark from just the oils on an oily person's face. Too much foundation and you would have needed a scraper.

  10. fodder650 Avatar

    Coming to a Barret Jackson auction near you. The Karl Malden death car!
    <img src="; width=500>
    Look he lived until he was 97 and it wasn't a car accident that took him out.

  11. C³-Cool Cadillac Cat Avatar
    C³-Cool Cadillac Cat

    People do not understand how important it is to wear seat belts in the rear seat.
    Yeah, you're not going to hit the dash or windscreen, however, your mass on the back of the seat is crushing to those riding up front.

    1. Tim Avatar

      Lol i beg to differ, my 86 C30 Crew cab has massive spider webbing in it from when a friend of mines folks owned, he was in the back not wearing a seatbelt and somehow ended up in windshield. That was probably 17years ago funny thing is we have still yet to be pulled over for it (Even over the 3 states I have lived in since then, part of which was spent on the outskirts of Detroit while dad worked at Ford)

      1. C³-Cool Cadillac Cat Avatar
        C³-Cool Cadillac Cat

        There are always outliers.
        I didn't say it'd happen every time.
        Was your friend not riding directly behind either of the front occupants?

  12. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
    mr. mzs zsm msz esq

    MIL went off.
    I'm a horrible person.

  13. k1llallh1pp1es Avatar

    imgur = reddit?