Know My Fine! (Guess My Fine! Winner Announcement)

speeding donuts
Mmmm… speeding donuts

Many many fine guesses today that ranged from the hopelessly optimistic (jthomp: $0. It got thrown out!) to the unique (.357: $959.87-You can see why I picked those numbers.) to the trollish (mk2441: what do you have a guilty conscience or something. your a retard and you made a blog about it).
However, as the Toyota Highlander declares-“there can be only one…”
Hop the jump for a photo showing the fine, the name of the winner, and a picture of their prize.The winner is RideWithWes who guessed $825! Congrats Mr. RideWithWes! The amazing fact… he was off by ONE DOLLAR! If we had two showcases, you would get them both.

sadly... they do not accept American Express (I could have used those Rewards Points)
sadly… they do not accept American Express (I could have used those Rewards Points)

My fine is $826.00…
Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six US Dollars. I have nothing to complain about though since I was hauling ass and got nailed. Don’t hoon the lines if you can’t pay the fines…

Ok RideWithWes, shoot an email over to with your name,address, and t-shirt size. You have won the chance to pay a percentage of my fine a Hooniverse T-Shirt!

Makes Dolce & Gabbana look like crap...
Makes Dolce & Gabbana look like crap…

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  1. CypressCarNut Avatar

    I was only off by $26!!!

  2. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    At least your ticket cost less than my car. I guess that's something.

  3. […] View post:  Know My Fine! (Guess My Fine! Winner Announcement) « Hooniverse […]

  4. […] Visit link: Know My Fine! (Guess My Fine! Winner Announcement) « Hooniverse […]

  5. joshuman Avatar

    Nice guessing RideWithWes.

  6. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell


  7. JeepyJayhawk Avatar

    congrats RideWithWes! Good nab on the T!

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