All-Electric Mustang Mach-E 1400 Prototype

Jalopnik adds a Reader Contest to Autopia 2099 festivities

Autopia 2099 is set to land amidst the dystopian skyline of Los Angeles 2021. I mean, it’s almost dystopian, right? Sort of halfway between West World’s real-world vision of LA and Bladerunner’s view of the same spot? Replace flying cars with mega Airbuses and we’re nearly there. Regardless, the electron-focused show arrives this December and now Jalopnik is giving some of its readers greater incentive to join in on the fun.

Using Jason Torchinsky’s Electric Car Timeline, Autopia 2099 and Jalopnik have devised three award categories. We have the Contender Era, Crap Era, and Tesla Era. Owners of rides fitting into one of these three categories will submit their cars to Bradley Brownell ( with the subject line Autopia Contest. From there, readers will select a winner in each category. And those winners get free VIP passes to the show with their cars given the red-carpet treatment as well. And there’s an actual trophy, plus some swag.

Head over to Jalopnik for more details, and don’t forget to buy your tickets to Autopia 2099 if you’re going to be in the area this December!

[Disclaimer: I’m a co-founder of Autopia 2099, which means if this show makes any money then I might see some of that as well.]

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2 responses to “Jalopnik adds a Reader Contest to Autopia 2099 festivities”

  1. mdharrell Avatar

    Crap Era, you say? Regrettably I don’t think I can take off enough time during the academic quarter to get there and back.

    1. Salguod Avatar

      Ooh, an electric trike! No, two of them!