Hurricane versus Jeep – Jeep Wins!

jeep tree 1 This article was written and submitted by Miles Branman of Hit the jump for a video. -KK Hurricane Arthur worked its way up the east coast late last week, leaving a trail of destruction from fierce winds and rain. Among the victims was Chris Scutti. Well, more like Chris’s beloved 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Just before midnight on the eve of the 4th in Arlington, Massachusetts, Chris’s father stepped onto his porch to watch the rain barrel sideways down the street. At the same moment, a huge tree gave in to the forceful winds and was pushed over like an unbalanced toddler. The tree navigated straight towards Chris’s house, more specifically right at Chris’s father, but his Grand Cherokee proved to be the family’s night in shining two-tone gray armor. Parked right in the tree’s path, it absorbed the weight of the tree by acting like a wedge. jeep tree 2 Without being able to assess the damage, Chris and his father waited for morning. In the light of day, it became clear that Chris’s Grand Cherokee was totaled. The windshield and A-pillar was a shattered and crumpled mess, and the suspension looked like bandit stance-jockies had done their worst. When work crews began hacking up the over-sized bush, Chris realized just how bad the situation could have been. Due to the hefty, wide-stretching limbs, Chris estimated about half of his house would have been acquainted with the tree if not for his car’s placement. More importantly, his father could have been severely injured. jeep tree 3 When the tree had finally been converted into enough firewood for the whole neighborhood to roast chestnuts for the next 10 winters, Chris had a crazy thought – would she still start up? Indeed she did. Despite half the hood being pancaked and the engine descending about a foot, his pride and joy fired to life. It surely was an Independence Day miracle.

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