Hooniverse Weekend Edition Review: Memorial Day Indianapolis Pace Car Edition

During the last weekend in May, I decided to do an Indianapolis Pace Car Review. There are many of you that missed this particular feature, so here it is again for your viewing pleasure.

I broke down the Indianapolis Race into decades starting with 1950 to 1959. Click here to read this post.

Then it was onto 1960 to 1969

A trip into the seventies with pace cars from 1970 – 1979

Into the Regan Era from 1980 to 1989

Then onto the raging 90’s from 1990 to 1999

And finally into the new millenium from 2000 to 2010.
Stay tuned, as another review posting will be along shortly.

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  1. Ryans92L Avatar

    Dear Indy 500,
    Less GM please…
    That will be all

  2. RichardKopf Avatar

    Wow, I had forgotten how many time Oldsmobile had a Pace Car. My favorite would have to be the `77 Delta 88.

  3. Van Sarockin Avatar
    Van Sarockin

    It seems they reached a high point – bracketed by Studebaker pace cars.

  4. tonyola Avatar

    The 1972 Hurst/Olds is missing. It's hard to say which is worse – Studebaker Lark, Olds Calais, or the eye-searing purple and yellow Corvette.
    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/1972_Hurst_Olds_Pace_Car.jpg/800px-1972_Hurst_Olds_Pace_Car.jpg&quot; width=500>

    1. RichardKopf Avatar

      It's there, just seems to be in the wrong decade.

  5. alewifecove Avatar

    Let's not overlook the damned SUV!! Nice imagery of performance with that one. NOT!!
    I threw in the towel with the Baretta. Just not believable any more.

  6. ZomBee Racer Avatar

    The Indy 500….?
    Oh wait, RIGHT!! I remember that! It was pretty cool way back in the day. Wonder whatever happened to it…