Hooniverse Weekend Edition – Readership Participation Edition

Hooniverse has been growing, and we try to offer our readers interesting content throughout the work week, and that has gradually filtered through the weekend when I volunteered to be the weekend editor. However, the time has come to get you, our loyal Hooniverse readers, to get more involved. See how after the jump…..

Since I took over the weekend gig here, I have tried to keep the content interesting and thought provoking. At first, I brought you content from other lesser known automotive sites, with mixed results. I then started with themed weekend postings, like “Maximum Convertible Weekend”, again with mixed results. The one feature that seemed to catch on is the Question of the Weekend, and that will continue.

This is where you come in. What makes this site awesome is our readers. So why not share your passion for the Automotive Fringe and send in your story ideas. Have a Project Car? Well share your build with the other Hoons who hang out here. Own an unusual car? Let us know about it, with photographs. Did you find something unusual on the web (that hasn’t been covered elsewhere)? Send us a tip. Did you attend an event like a car show, or an auction, or a racing venue? Send us the clips. Are you an amateur videographer that covers anything remotely connected to an automotive event? Send us a link to your work.

And this is a special request to any of our readers who are located outside of North America… Get your cameras out, and show off your ride, or some of the unusual rides where you are located. Remember, we are Hooniverse, and we are Staking a Claim in the Automotive Fringe.

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  1. Maxichamp Avatar

    Here are some of my write-ups about French cars in California:
    1. An incredible private collection of Citroens and Renaults. http://karakullake.blogspot.com/2010/06/super-fre
    2. Delivering a friend's Citroen XM from Portland to the Bay Area. http://karakullake.blogspot.com/2010/10/road-trip
    3. The Mullin Collection in Oxnard. http://karakullake.blogspot.com/2010/08/mullin-au

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      We've covered the Mullin … Tim and I got to attend the opening night gala and it was amazing. Especially when Tim wrote in the guest log right after the Bugatti and Talbot families… OOPS!

      1. Maxichamp Avatar

        Meh, that's what guest logs are for. Good for Tim.

      2. P161911 Avatar

        I would have had to signed the guest log with a creative pseudonym. Something along the lines of: Otto Diesel, Gottlieb Damlier, Colin Chapman, Augie Dusenberg, or maybe even Ralph Nader.

  2. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    I've got some stuff in the pipeline, it'll probably end up over at my place, but if I have anything that ticks the 'Verse boxes I'll offer it up via the usual channels…

  3. Eggwich Avatar

    Jim, if you take away all the Hooniverse Asks, the Last Call posts, and the Atomic Toaster ads during the week, I'd bet you post about as much in two days as the rest of Hooniverse does during the week. I applaud your search for new contributors, and I totally understand if you want to slow things down on your end, too. I hope to have a bloggo up by March or April, I'm building up my content base now, and if it ever actually exists, I'll send links your way. My writing may result in the dumbing down of the entire hooniverse readership, though.

  4. Texan_Idiot25 Avatar

    I thought i sent this in.
    Pages 1-6. 2010 Hot Rod Revolution, 1st year in Austin TX from California.

    1. Mr_Biggles Avatar

      Those are some great shots. The subject is certainly cool, but you seem to have a good eye.

  5. ptschett Avatar

    A few weeks back I suddenly remembered the Scary Steering page. It's a great collection of terrible 4×4 lifts, and snarky commentary about them.

  6. themagicboltbox Avatar

    I've started a little blog at http://themagicboltbox.wordpress.com. It's pretty much just my own personal car-related soapbox, so I don't know how much of it applies here – but you're welcome to link to it or repost it as you see fit. I hope to actually start with project-related updates soon.

  7. jjd241 Avatar

    This seems like the kind of place for some hoonsharing. I've started shooting some "seen on the street" stuff lately. Here is the latest find.
    [youtube cQ_KPE4gMRQ&feature=player_profilepage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ_KPE4gMRQ&feature=player_profilepage youtube]