Hooniverse Asks: Do you have a favorite post from “old” Hooniverse?

I love the look and feel of our new site. What I’m not happy about is the fact that a handful of posts were lost in the shuffle. That’s because we’re dealing with nearly ten years of stories and photos. Some of the articles survived but the photos may not have been so lucky. So I’m setting out to do my best to restore those stories.

One of my own personal favorites is when I drove Tim Odell’s 1967 Ford Country Sedan from Southern California up to Northern California. I was happy with my photography from that piece and it was a reminder of a great time out on the open road. In an old machine, with a Bluetooth speaker as my only companion, the big rig roared up the coast on a journey back to its owner.

There are others that are currently lost in the shuffle. And I want to fix that. If you have a favorite story you remember, but it’s not currently viewable on the site, sound off below. I’ll do my best to fix that problem.

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29 responses to “Hooniverse Asks: Do you have a favorite post from “old” Hooniverse?”

  1. GTXcellent Avatar

    The post that finally got me converted from a lurker to a commenter: The Obscure Muscle Car question of a 1956 Dodge D500. I liked that whole series, but that post in particular tipped me over the edge, given that my Grandfather factory ordered a 1956 D500 sedan, with a Super Red Ram power pack Hemi and a manual transmission.

  2. 0A5599 Avatar

    Maybe convince OLRF to put out some new content?

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      I’d second that – and restore that olelongrooffan’s old articles. I wonder how he’s doing, and his daughter, too? I’m hoping they’re both doing well.

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      I’d second that – and restore that olelongrooffan’s old articles. I wonder how he’s doing, and his daughter, too? I’m hoping they’re both doing well.

    3. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I love his stuff, but we haven’t heard from him in sometime now. He’s welcome to post if he ever drops us a line and I hope he’s doing well.

      1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar

        I’ll try to tickle his authorship reflex.

  3. Batshitbox Avatar

    Golly, I don’t ever go browsing through the old posts, not more than a couple weeks old, so I don’t know if any of them are missing. Thanks for trying to maintain the integrity of the archive.
    I could do with a few more Classic Captions, maybe on occasional Fridays to keep us through the weekend?

    1. onrails Avatar

      Yes! The weekly classic captions and mystery car was always fun.

      1. GTXcellent Avatar

        and Craigslist Crapshoots

        1. Victor Avatar

          Went to local craigslist and entered ” Oddball ” was not disappointed.

        2. Sjalabais Avatar

          100+ comments every week…those were gold.

          I also wonder about the comments lost on some existing posts. Occasionally, I send this one to people, but it looks so…empty.

  4. Victor Avatar

    The one where a guy put a wing tank on a golf cart frame and made a neat electric vehicle.

  5. dukeisduke Avatar

    All of Kamil’s photographic essays of abandoned cars in Europe. And Antti’s articles, too.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Yes to both of those, agreed!

      1. Kamil K Avatar

        The various cars living and dying in Poland posts will were so full of pics that re-doing them would be pretty much impossible. But I do have the pics saved… somewhere.

  6. Zentropy Avatar

    Is that a trashed giubo in the lead photo?

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Yeah we weren’t having great luck with our first LeMons car; a 1984 BMW 633csi. We went through a ton of guibo joints.

  7. P161911 Avatar

    Just reactivate Atomic Toasters!

    1. Victor Avatar

      Sent into space in the glovebox of a Tesla roadster.

    2. Deartháir Avatar

      I was sad to see it got squished. There was a lot of good stuff on there. I finally had ideas to write about and it was gone. :/

      1. Victor Avatar

        The way it was categorized , looking through by subject . Are sites like AT expensive to maintain.?

  8. Victor Avatar

    Commenter asks ” Why is the media so hard on Tesla ” ? Every failure is documented and every achievment ignored.

    1. outback_ute Avatar

      On the other hand if you read different media, the reverse is true!

  9. Fuhrman16 Avatar

    I can’t think of any one article in particular, there’s been many great content over the years, but one thing I would like to see would be a search function. It’s kinda hard to check out the older posts without one.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      it’s on the list

  10. kogashiwa Avatar

    I’m probably the only one that cares but the IS250 review was really good I thought.

    1. theskitter Avatar

      Blake’s review was a high point, and sadly Google can’t even find it now…

  11. danleym Avatar

    Rare Project – 1978 Bultaco Streaker

    This seemed relevant, seeing as it was posted today. Also, here’s chance #4 Tanshanomi.

  12. Tank Avatar

    I know its not one particular article, but I do miss the Craigslist Crapshoot. That’s what got me from a occasional viewer to a participant. The audience participation is fun. I am glad Last Call is back