Hoonitales: Down On The Farm

beach-image-720x540 A whiles back this olelongrooffan shared with my fellow Hoons a tale associated with bovine, Country Squires, farms and a Model A. If you are so inclined, you can check that Hoonitale out here. Now, as always, I am certain my fellow Hoons are wondering just what the heck does this Daytona Beach image of thejeepjunkie’s livery has to do with the title of this post. Well, this olelongrooffan would suggest a jump on through would answer that question. 71farmtruck Well, it’s like this; In the late 1960’s, my pops decided he had had enough of living the “citified” life and decided to move his brood out to a 173 acre farm some thirty miles from town. In his typical journalistic fashion, he dubbed our new abode “Haven Lee Farm.” And a Haven it was. Horses, cows, chickens, pigs, dogs, geese, lambs, old structures, a Sweptline Dodge farm truck and a Citroen DS21. And a World War II era M38 thrown in just for a good measure of fun. Now this olelongrooffan has previously shared the Hoonitale here of the time thejeepjunkie and this olelongrooffan realized that Four Horsepower is Enough. turnbackjeep2 And I must say this about that, Living the non Cityfied life was a total hoot and this olelongrooffan wouldn’t change a damn thing about it. Swimming in Turnback Creek, floating pontoon boats in Dad’s Pond, hauling hay in that Sweptline, helping TheGentleManFarmer convert a BBQ building into “The Bunkhouse,” riding horses all over the countryside. Yeah Hoons, it was a blast living in rural America in the 1970’s. My little brother and I would work our butts off every summer day doing whatever chores my folks could think up to keep us busy and, supposedly, out of trouble. Like that worked. And in the wintertime? snowy jeep Yeah, all of that hay we hauled the previous summer in that 2WD Dodge needed to be gotten out to Dad’s Field to keep those Black Angus cattle well fed in time for the springtime harvesting of that organically grown beef, before organic was even popular. And, of course, the means to get that hay out to those bovine was via that M38 and a 1938 model year titled utility trailer that in my lifetime, at last count, has been rebodyed seven times. And it is still in my family up on the latest version of Haven Lee Farm out there in Marionville, Missouri. However, this olelongrooffan is confident that my kinfolk living on that farm are having nowhere near as much fun as did thejeepjunkie and this olelongrooffan living on the original version of Haven Lee Farm. Thanks pops. Image Copyright Hooniverse/2014 longrooffan

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