Friends of Hooniverse- Let's Help a Hoon

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If you’re like me and do your own wrenching, then one of your first stops before tackling any unfamiliar project is bound to be YouTube to see if there is a how-to video for the task at hand. As a new owner of an old Volvo (more on that another time) one of the best channels for car repair that I have found is Robert DIY, which is done by a gentleman named Robert Spinner.
Spinner’s videos are comprehensive and he explains things in a real down-to-earth manner that makes everything really easy to follow. Helping Hoons with car repairs isn’t the only thing that Robert has been dealing with. He has also been taking care of his ill wife for the past five years and that has meant both that he hasn’t been able to maintain a steady day job, and that money is, as you would imagine, tight.
Robert has been so helpful to others that his friends want to help him out too. They have set up a gofundme Robert Spinner Thank You Fund where people can make donations to financially help out Robert and his wife . The good folks at FCP Euro have done so, and so have we. It’s been pretty successful too, the original $5,000 goal having almost been doubled so far. That of course doesn’t mean that the help should stop.
I encourage you to check out Robert’s video channel, and the gofundme site. We’re not pressuring anyone to donate, only trying to generate awareness of someone who has given a lot to the automotive community and whose friends now want to return the favor. If you consider all the automotive knowledge shared in the videos above, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a worthy cause.
Image: YouTube

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  1. wunno sev Avatar
    wunno sev

    this one guy is responsible for resolving something like 50% of the questions i've had about and during repairs on my volvo. he's a solid dude. makes his videos well, makes them available free, doesn't ask a dime. happy to pitch in – i'm sure he's saved me many many times more than i donated.