"Das Customizing" Leads to the World's Best(?) Six-Wheeled Opel Corsa

Some guys in Germany had one-and-some-extra Opel Corsa As and did what any rational group of guys with a welder, some scrap metal, some spray foam and a few gallons of paint would do: made a 6-wheeled, um…middle-wheel-drive “Opel Corsa A-A”. Alas, there’s minimal footage of it running and driving (here’s a quick clip), as we’d love to see the reaction of the more traditionally well-regimented German road-going population. Anyway, if anyone’s good with German, maybe provide a few translations of the highlights in the comments…?
Meanwhile, I’ve found my new desktop background…

das customizing

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  1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

    The finished product looks a bit like a cross between the Tyrrell P34 and the DeltaWing.

  2. Tiller188 Avatar

    I was pretty much with them up until the accents in “Giftgrun”, which I am translating as “garish green that nobody wanted so they gave it to us as a ‘gift’”.

    1. Windbüchse Avatar

      giftgrün : literally – poison green. bilious green (think bile).

  3. mzszsm Avatar

    Bruce : [redacted] :: das Customizing : ‘verse

  4. Krautwursten Avatar

    Meanwhile at the local inspection garage.

  5. AndyL Avatar

    That looks like Ace and Gary’s ride.

  6. karonetwentyc Avatar

    Getting my biases out of the way up front: I’ve always hated the Corsa A. Having driven both them and their Vauxhall Nova counterpart, they struck me as existing solely to point out that there were better alternatives to owning one of these, such as a Ford Fiesta, Renault 5, Peugeot 205, or a sturdy pair of boots.
    But I *really* like this. It’s fantastic, and the idea of making it front-drive on the middle axle rather than moving the engine forward was brilliant. Shoehorn in a 2.0 from a later Vectra and it could probably be made to move fairly well, too, but the handling might be on the interesting side.
    We need more stuff like this. Excellent.

  7. JTuhka Avatar

    For those who are not familiar with the inspiration from Manta – der film (1991)

    1. Monkey10is Avatar

      Schnell und Furious!