V.I.S.I.T. – The cars YOU have seen in traffic


Hello Hoons:

It’s been a few weeks month since the last time we did one of these V.I.S.I.T. posts. My life has been a bit crazy and I simply have not been able to get around to posting all the interesting stuff you have sent in. Without further excuses, we have interesting stuff today:

  • Top Gear Live Australia pictures from Sydney Motorsport Park from reader Target29.
  • Cars from Uruguay (!), from a hoon named fede6882, who lives there. Related – we’ll be launching two new editions of this site soon: Hooniverse International and El Hooniverto.
  • Vavon sent in Peugeot 205 pictures. 205s are his fetish and he is not afraid to admit it.
  • Next is some goodness from New Zealand! Serin sent it some cool cars and asks if we’re interested in some random JDM stuff. The answer is… hell yes, we are! And your awesome 4x4s too! And your women too!

In case you don’t frequent Hooniverse forums, be sure to checkout the The I spotted today thread where hoons post some cool stuff they see on daily basis. Keep sending interesting stuff you see to me, at kamilAThooniverseDOTcom. Enjoy the pics…



 Looks like a Golf but it’s not a Golf.


 Sweet JDM, ohh ohhh OOHH!!!! Good times never seemed so good…

topgear australia 2

Top Gear Australia Live pics…

topgear australia 1 ramblerrebel770

Dat Land Cruiser!

lancia - 20130203 matramurena1 matramurena2 MGA

How dare they! Also, Euro goodness taillights on the benzito!

Morgan1 Niva

Niva don’t need no stinkin’ permit!


Vogue! Is the the el cheapo version?


Always liked those… they seem to have a lot personality.




That is some weird-ass interesting trailer… being pulled by a Jetta. Why does it seem like the owners of that generation Jetta get a thing for over-loading their cars?

guess number 2 guess


dyna - 20130306 - 2 Devin body coupe

Any guesses? Rob knew what it was right away… but he knows everything.

citroen dsa pallas1 Caddy

That’s a cool looking house.




I used to think this was the ugliest car ever… not I see it differently…

2013-03-30 13.18.41 Alpine

Yes! Gimme! Want!

Audi Audi2

The world needs more coupes with shorter sedan doors.

aussie pickup

Aussies, they’ll UTE anything.

beetle and t3 2013-03-17 12.12.20

You’re looking at the wrong Mini. I love pics like this.

2013-03-15 13.09.35

My high school buddy one, with t-tops. Great little car.

205T16-2 205Rallye1 205GTI-PTCruiser

I like take the white one.


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30 responses to “V.I.S.I.T. – The cars YOU have seen in traffic”

  1. dukeisduke Avatar

    The "guess" car – looks like a Devin.

    1. Alff Avatar

      My initial thought as well, but I'm pretty sure it's a Kellison
      <img src="http://thumbnails.homestead.com/files/8007.jpg"&gt;

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        I think you're right. Devins are lower, and I'm trying to think if any were ever built as coupes.

        1. Alff Avatar

          They built coupes, but they were more modestly styled than this.

    2. Devin Avatar

      Nah, I'm a man, not a car.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        Wah wah waaaaah.

        1. Devin Avatar

          Some people go on the internet to learn, some go on the internet to be entertained, some further still go on the internet to get aroused.
          I go on the internet for the opportunity to make terrible jokes.

          1. dukeisduke Avatar

            Keep up the good work.

    3. racer139 Avatar

      Is it a cheetah?

      1. racer139 Avatar

        Nevermind its a kellison X300gt.

        1. racer139 Avatar

          And I want one.

  2. Vavon Avatar

    Guess the green car = a Panhard Dyna X.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      With an awesome outside mirror. I like the Vredestein store across the street.

  3. Syrax Avatar

    At least here Vogue is the name for all full sized Range Rovers. From the 'lowly' N/A V8s to the Autobiography.

  4. MVEilenstein Avatar

    You have described Kirkland, WA quite succinctly, which is where I found that Ferrari.

    1. Alff Avatar

      If you'd ever seen a topless girl jump out of a third floor waterfront apartment into the lake at the height of Moss Bay Days (incidentally, the very apartment my parents lived in when I was born), or witnessed firsthand the looting of Safeway's beer section during the same event, you wouldn't think so "Meh". Sadly, that Kirkland is long gone.

  5. Manic_King Avatar

    Brazilian police helping empty beer can collectors to compact their crop, by driving back and forth over the cans.
    <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/68567_10151332541165404_1434000080_n.jpg&quot; width="485">

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      Now if only olelongrooffan's longroof looked like that!

    2. Manic_King Avatar

      Well that here isn't actually Last Call so maybe it wasn't that good idea to post the pic helpful Brazilian cops here. Ah what the hell, I have one more, Mystery Ford(?):
      <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/60489_10151332517980404_610754933_n.jpg&quot; width="555">

      1. Syrax Avatar

        This is a Renault 12 based Ford Corcel MkI.

        1. Manic_King Avatar

          Uh…Ford which is based on Renault? Can it get more obscure than that……

          1. Syrax Avatar

            It sure can. Ford inherited the Corcel as a replacement for the Renault Dauphine, which was a Willys Dauphine/Gordini here, after buying Willys Overland do Brasil. It actually came out earlier than the Renault 12.

    3. dukeisduke Avatar

      Looks like they're doing it Code 3.

      1. Manic_King Avatar

        In Rio all the emergency services had their lights constantly on, even when not in a hurry, all day and all night seemingly, sirens off though. Not sure how they differentiate when real emergency comes, different, more aggressive light pattern and siren on, I guess.

  6. Van_Sarockin Avatar

    It does a heart good to be at a site where some random Opel gets more favorable attention than a new, street parked Ferrari. Keep up the good work!

    1. Kamil_K Avatar

      Thanks! I tell it how I feel.

  7. RichardKopf Avatar

    Oh, a New Sherwood Toning MR-2! I've always loved the two-toned paint schemes.

  8. ThisVelologist Avatar

    Peeked over the fence at my buddy's apartment and I fell into 1950!
    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/c784429557140d30d4d2c637ad590878/tumblr_mkkz61EWQN1qhyw6uo1_1280.jpg&quot; width="600">

  9. mallthus Avatar
    1. Kamil_K Avatar

      Next time send these in.
      I like the Boulder area of CO., but it's so damn pricey.