Ranflas.ru Gives Us a Reason to Learn Russian

RanflasChecking out car culture from other countries is always great. After we discovered just how awesome their cars are, Sweden’s recently made a big jump to tie Australia on the list of places we’d live if not in the Good Ole’ USA. Speed:Sport:Life recently did a hilarious piece on how to be a British auto hack. If you’re willing to fire up Google Translate (or dust off those high school textbooks, Dad), you really should check out Ranflas.ru. ranflasThey seem to have as good a handle on US car culture as any site on this side of the iron curtain, all the while bringing us some sweet oddball machines from Eastern Europe. You can actually download their first issue as a (really big) .pdf, and apparently they ship issues all over Russia for 150 rubles, which is like $5. Provided you’re willing to run a transaction across all sorts of borders, you could probably get them to ship an issue stateside for a few bucks more. Talk about having the car magazine elitist upper hand over your Evo-reading car buddies… Ranflas.ru

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