Hooniverse Asks: What’s a good gift for someone who just bought their first new car?

A good friend of mine owns a small business. One of his long time employees, and actually a good friend, just bought her first new car. It’s a Kia Sportage and it’s perfect for this young lady. Surprisingly, it came from the dealer with WeatherTech floor mats and roof rack cross bars. It even has a factory remote start.

Now, the friend/employer wants to get her a gift for this new car and he asked me for advice. I’m not great at gift ideas though, so I’m turning to you for help.What’s a good “new car” gift for someone?

It shouldn’t be pricey. Nor should it not need professional installation. What makes a good gift here?

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17 responses to “Hooniverse Asks: What’s a good gift for someone who just bought their first new car?”

  1. kogashiwa Avatar

    A track day?

  2. Mister Sterling Avatar

    I have a mental list. A WeatherTech cargo mat is great if they don’t have an OEM mat and it’s a hatchback or crossover. I also like getting people aluminum oil filler caps – generic colored billet aluminium or really nice Mishimoto caps (especially if they have a Subaru or other Japanese brand). Kias are compatible with Honda oil filler caps, as Hyundai also uses Honda-compatible caps. Here’s a good generic Honda cap:

    And I also get them embroidered polyester/acrylic seat belt pads, like these. They pretty much exist for every brand. Maybe back seat only, but I’ve had recipients tell me they love the pads for themselves in the front seats as well:

    1. 0A5599 Avatar

      Those seat belt pads need a funny name and gimmicky design.

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        Yikes! First of all, this ad is way too long. Second, did they at all consider safety? This is why people wear a belt. It should sit tight.

  3. Sjalabais Avatar

    This is a gift as funny as it is stupid, it is non-committing, and actually quite entertaining to use…occasionally:


    Never owned one myself, but I have given it to 2-3 fresh car owners and it was always worth a giggle.

  4. 0A5599 Avatar

    Car care products, to keep it clean and sanitary.


  5. smalleyxb122 Avatar

    Fuzzy dice
    Microfiber window cleaner
    Car duster
    Waterless detailer
    Cargo net
    Dash cam

  6. mdharrell Avatar

    Jumper cables, tow strap, fire extinguisher, first-aid kit, road flares…

    1. 0A5599 Avatar

      Duct tape, bailing wire, tool kit, drip tray to avoid staining your friend’s driveway when you visit…

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        Huh. It hadn’t occurred to me that people might have friends with clean driveways.

        1. 0A5599 Avatar

          Typically the ones who have no more than one car per driver, and they can fit their entire fleet in the garage because they don’t have to store any parts cars or spare engines. All their cars are still within the warranty period, and manufactured by brands with a reputation for reliability.

          1. ptschett Avatar

            [goes down checklist]
            Hmm. I’ve neither parts cars nor spare engines. I should get on that.

          2. 0A5599 Avatar

            You parked the Challenger for the winter while you daily the Ram. That’s outside the spirit of the “no more than one car per driver” rule, even if you’re there on some technicality.

          3. mdharrell Avatar

            No, even my friends with only one car in the garage and so forth still have a big oil spot in the driveway, right where I always… Oh.

  7. SlowJoeCrow Avatar

    An emergency kit and instructions in how to change a flat tire and use jumper cables. Alternatively a dashcam

  8. Victor~~ Avatar

    On a related note , my summer job in high school was cleaning up new Fords fresh off the truck and prepping them , the dealer showed me how much is lost the first year with a new car. So I have never had a new car.

  9. Henry Joner Avatar

    When someone buys their first new car, it’s an exciting milestone that deserves a thoughtful gift. Practical options include a car emergency kit or a set of quality floor mats. Alternatively, you could consider a personalized gift, such as a monogrammed keychain or a custom car cover. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that the recipient will appreciate and find useful in their new ride.