Last Call- How Do I Like Me Now Edition



This Buick’s owner likes his car so much that he has a picture of himself next to his car on the back window. That way he can look in his rearview while driving his car and see himself with his car when he’s with his car. . .  Yo dawg.

Image source: Imgur

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35 responses to “Last Call- How Do I Like Me Now Edition”

  1. rennsport964 Avatar

    Xzibit, is that you?

    1. From_a_Buick_6 Avatar

      "Yo Dawg, I heard you like cars, so we put your car on your car so you can…"
      No, even Xzibit wouldn't do this.

  2. RobbyDeGraff Avatar

    burn it with fire

  3. Douche_McGee Avatar

    That is awesome

      1. Douche_McGee Avatar

        Awesome on the retarded scale. Just above this one pickup truck I see on my commute with an airbrushed picture of the truck on the tailgate.

  4. jeepjeff Avatar

    Advantage: Tail-gaiters no longer anger him.

  5. dukeisduke Avatar

    I know it's Texas, but I wonder where? Also, I can't believe donking is good for CV joints.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Donking is like dubstep – bad for everyone & everything within eyesight/earshot.

      1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick

        [youtube Vqz6crf6xgc youtube]

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          Truly horrifying.
          Dubstep just sounds like robots fucking.

          1. stigshift Avatar

            Except less pleasant.

  6. mdharrell Avatar

    He's obscuring part of the front plate in that photo, so it could be a shot of his other Buick LaCrosse CXL.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Maybe they had a two for one day at Carmax, and a special at Rent-A-Tire?

  7. MVEilenstein Avatar

    The V8 Supercar championship starts today! The Clipsal 500 is on as we speak. New cars, new drivers, new manufacturers. Great stuff so far.
    Edit: live stream at

    1. JayP2112 Avatar


      1. MVEilenstein Avatar

        I'm a Ford fan all the way, but it's good to see Nissan and AMG Mercedes join the fight. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

        1. JayP2112 Avatar

          The Mercedes looks awesome.

          1. MVEilenstein Avatar

            They sound awesome. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

          2. MVEilenstein Avatar

            Not to put too fine a point on it, but V8 Supercars is doing it right. They're offering an online streaming subscription for all the races.
            It's in beta right now so it's free. I used it last night and can say it worked very well.

  8. Batshitbox Avatar

    This is so that when the tow truck approaches from behind Mr. Tow truck driver can see what Mr Bigwheel looks like standing in front of the Buick waiting for a tow truck. So as he wouldn't get confuddled in the rear view as he backs up on it and maybe run over the poor fellow. Safety First.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      I hate the word "Extreme", and I hate "Xtreme" even more.

    2. vroomsocko Avatar

      Whew… only one Ohio plate.

    3. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      The first is sort of an infinite loop; the last has the wrong bloody mural. I'm not sure which is worse.

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        The infinite loop one has a topper in the photograph, but not on the mural. Time travel?
        It also has cleavage on the mural, but not IRL.

  9. BobWellington Avatar

    Why do people like this exist? There are too many of them (people who put plastic chrome on their cars, people who have plastic-looking chrome wheels that are bigger than their car and they look like complete ****, and people who paint their cars with the dumbest things you can imagine) around where I live.
    Do I sound angry? That's because I am, god **** mother******* piece of **** whore.

    1. BobWellington Avatar

      Wow, cool your jets, bro. ^^

    2. dead_elvis Avatar

      To give the rest of us someone to make fun of?

      1. BobWellington Avatar

        That is a true point.

  10. Eggwich James Dio Avatar
    Eggwich James Dio

    When I was in college, I wanted to airbrush a picture of my van on the spare tire cover on the back of my van, but I spent all my free money on weed.

  11. TurboBrick Avatar

    I'm so glad they dumped that plate design. My stamped plates are about to hit the 7 year mark.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      I like 'em (they're on my two vehicles). When the design first came out, the sky was a darker blue, and they had blue letters, which made them hard for the cops to read (the letters blended into the sky). They changed the letters to black, and the sky to a lighter blue, but the cops still didn't like them. That's why they dropped the "Lone Star" design, and went back to the basic black letters on white background:
      <img src=""&gt;
      By the way, today is Texas Independence Day (the day we won our independence from Mexico,and became our own nation (The Republic of Texas).

  12. jjd241 Avatar

    <img src="; title="Hosted by" alt="" />